Educational activity
- Service Software Architecture;
- Cross-Platform Programming;
- Programming (.NET Technology);
- вachelor’s degree supervising.
Education and Career
2017 – graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, educational and qualification level “bachelor” in the field of “Computer Science”, qualified as an “Information Technology Specialist”.
2019 – graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, educational and qualification level “master” in the specialty “System design”, qualified as an “analyst of computer systems”.
Since 2018 senior laboratory assistant of system engineering department
Since 2019 assistant of system engineering department.
Researcher activity
Publication of articles, participation in conferences.
International activity / participation in international projects
Participation in international projects:
Erasmus+ 598236-EPP-1 2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, «Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens, dComFra», 2018-2021.
Publications and patents
Has 5 publications.