Навчально-наукова лабораторія «Моделювання систем» створена з метою ефективної організації процесу підготовки бакалаврів зі спеціальностями: 122 – Комп’ютерні науки, 151 – Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології, магістрів зі спеціалізацій «Інформаційні технології проектування», «Системне проектування», «Комп’ютеризовані системи управління та автоматика», організації науково-методичної роботи професорсько-викладацького складу, магістрантів та аспірантів кафедри системотехніки, розвитку студентської наукової роботи, науково-технічного співробітництва кафедри з підприємствами в галузі інформаційних технологій та комп’ютеризованих систем управління та автоматики.
Educational and scientific laboratory “Systems Modeling” was created for the purpose of effective organization of the education of bachelors with the following specialties: 122 – Computer Science, 151 – Automation and computer-integrated technologies, masters from the specializations “Information Engineering Technology” and “Systems Design”, “Computer Aided Control Systems and Automation”, organization of scientific and methodological work of the professorial teaching staff, graduate students and postgraduate students of the department of System Engineering, development of student’s scientific work, scientific and technical cooperation of the department with companies in the field of information technologies and computerized control systems and automation.
The main tasks of the educational and scientific laboratory “Systems Modeling” are:
- organization and conducting of training sessions in the field of system simulation, simulation, methods and tools of structural design, methods of visualization of researched systems, modeling of efficiency and productivity of computing systems based on virtualization technologies within the educational specialties of the department of Systems Modeling;
- organization and conducting of seminars, webinars, scientific-practical and online conferences, round tables together with other departments of the university and invited organizations;
- introducing innovative technologies of student training, development of creative initiative of students, involvement of them in the scientific work of the department;
- organization of scientific researches of masters and postgraduate students of the department on the basis of the laboratory;
- organization of internships of companies and research masters;
- preparation and publication of monographs, articles and reports, manuals and methodical instructions, scientific work by involving students in scientific research in the field of development of new information technologies, preparation of scientific publications, reports and exhibits shared with students;
- organization of the collection and study of scientific and technical information in the areas of scientific activity of the laboratory, analysis and theoretical synthesis of scientific data, experimental results and modeling.
The main functions of the educational and scientific laboratory:
- research and development of principles of construction and methods of designing distributed information processing systems;
- application of modern information technology research of complex systems;
- research of efficiency and productivity of computing systems on the basis of virtualization technologies;
- development of methods of simulation, mathematical models and methods of structural-topological synthesis of territorially distributed objects;
- development of methods and means of structural design, methods of visualization of the studied systems.
Supervisor – Valery Ivanov, Professor of the Department of Systems Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Contacts: Corps “A”, room. № 270, tel. +38 (057) 702-10-06